

As your full-service partner for multi-omics studies, we have innovative technologies in the field of proteomic analysis to support your entry into the field of proteomic research.

Select from our cutting-edge and scalable portfolio based on Olink® and SEER technologies:

Antibody based protein biomarker discovery using Olink® Explore 3072 or Olink® Explore HT
  • Olink® certified laboratory
  • NGS-based parallel profiling of 384 up to 5,400 protein assays for focused or exploratory proteomics and multiomics studies
  • Optimized to cover protein biomarkers and pathways of relevance to inflammation, cardiology, oncology, neurology and further available
  • Starting from 2-10 μl of plasma, serum and more

Mass spectrometry based protein biomarker discovery using SEER Proteograph XT Assay
  • Unbiased Biomarker discovery at peptide level
  • Species agnostic
  • Fully automated workflow
  • Analysis on state of the art Bruker timsTOF HT MS-systems
  • Starting from 100-240 μl plasma or serum

Service Partners:

Olink Seer